Wednesday, December 31, 2008

SO LONG 2008 - You won't be missed much

In the year 2008 I did these things...

1. Drove to Wisconsin for my brothers 60th birthday party in February. Visited Bev and RJ in Madison.
2. Said goodbye to my best friend as she drove away to Washington State in April.
3. Said goodbye to: Bev, Phil, and Michael for the last time.
4. Visited my best friend in Washington State and had a fabulous time in November!
5. December 25th, said goodbye to my other best friend, Lucky Dog.
6. Found out my niece is having twins!

And a whole bunch of other stuff in between which seems insignificant compared to the above list. Looking ahead to 2009.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

Marcia (Auntie M) said...

Quite a year! Looking ahead is always a good thing. Congrats on the twins! A very good way to end the year on such wonderful news!